Sunday, January 13, 2013



Dallas Fashion



Contacts sheets


Dallas Fashion

......and more Answers....

I can't do my artwork including photos in the quiet

I don't think I have boundaries

I expect nothing a of the usual from my professor.
I expect to be able to know how to work with lighting after this seminar.
I expect to be better at photography than I was without the degree
I expect feedback from all peers not just select few that speak up

I want to say that my art is not always appealing to everybodies taste in art but I try to get people to use their imagination when they look at some of my photos and see what it could be instead of something that's dead and unappealing to the eye, it's more then that it used to be something beautiful and now it's turned into what society sees things when they get outdated, Trash.

Yes, art is the right launguage for my message because it's beautiful on it's own terms it's not something everybody has to love it's wat the artist sees as beautiful and other people who can understand the views of the artist. Art can be for anybody, but it takes inspiration, dedication, and thought process to be an artist.

I don't align myself with anybody I get inspiration from many, and interupt it to make it my own.

Craft helps when it comes to art but i don't think it's neccesary per say though.

Art should be relevant to anybody not just those in the art world.

Answers, answers.

I plan on graduating whenever I finish my degree, I hope to be done by 2015.

After graduation I plan on traveling the globe to different countries, such as Spain, Italy, and Dominican Republic, just to name a few. I plan on making a living by photographing and publishing a book, while still trying to kick off my modeling carrer if I haven't acheived that by graduation. The modeling is more so a side job that i think would help my portrait photography in the long run with posing, since I have a slight issue with posing.

After graduation I will be busy paying school loans, I don't have a credit card, my car is on my parents insurance plan for now, and as far as the rest like my living situation I haven't fully figured out yet. For the most part I will probably be living in hotels or hostels in different countries for however long i'm in the country. Once I finish traveling I plan to live in either Australia, or in east Texas, I haven't quite figured out which yet because not everything goes exactly as you plan in your head, because you hit speedbumps along the way that may stop you from achieveing your full dream potential. So I will plan that later on down the road when i've past my speedbumps and get out on the highway where I can drive over the speedlimit and only worry about minor setbacks that slow me down.

As for special equipment I have a computer that will probably need to be upgraded after graduation and definitely a newer camera so that I can work more efficently with some equipment that's not exactlyalmost outdated and running slow. I will try to keep updated on lightroom programs, I am in thr process of trying to get the 4th edition when it comes out so I can stay on track with school work. Other then those things the only other thing's I will need is a passport and a translator...

Other than family I hope my photo teachers would write recommendation letters for me as well :)
If they don't I have a few people I have done some photos for even though it's not exactly the type of photos I want to see myself making a living off of.

The type of job i'm looking for... I'm hoping to figure out before I graduate because the only thing I know about my job is I want to travel to take photos whether that be of people or of landscapes or even both I don't know all I know is I refuse to work for National Geographic or in a studio.

The type of job I expect to find is one where I can travel the world to countries of my choice and make photos that show the beauty of those places but something different from what most photographers photograph.

I can't name any because I don't know any galleries.

I plan to be a freelance worker, part time job is debateable right now.

Over break I shot a wedding that any photographer would have hated because it was at night, outside in a low to minimum light situation and the bridesmaids and groomsmen were all wearing black.... So it challenged me to work with a flash I had to learn to use in a short period of time and work with the light I had. Also over break I shot a couple of friends in Dallas for a "fashion" shoot because I wanted to challenge myself with something I love and trying to improve my skills at, as well as my other love which is actual fashion that normal people wear not just on the runway. As far as seeing other work the only work I saw and made is that of which was in my art classes here in commerce.

So far my "portfolio" if you want to call it that is on a facebook fanpage. As far as my work it is mostly centered around landscape, as well as some portraits. When I do portraits however I always do them outside to try and incorparate the beauty of things in their natural state whether they are dead or full of color I try to plan accordingly try to tie the person into that enviroment....Keyword try right now.

For the most part Art Wolfe is my influence for my actual work, occasionly my music rubs off on the type of photography I want to do at the time. For example if i'm listening to more country music I take photos that give a country feel to it like being in east Texas where i'm from or if I'm listening to more popish style of music I want to do photos in the city.

I feel like i'm lacking in how to pose people, as far as my porfolio it's lacking the image I'm going for, it has random photos that I have basically taken  over the years but none of them are really the image i'm going for, they are just like everybody elses with a fancy camera that thinks they are a photographer nowadays, they don't stand out from everything else yet.

What makes me unique is the fact I find beauty in evertyhing not just the best looking objects with my photos I want them to encourage the viewer to really use their imagination and see what the object could be not what it is. If someone wants to hire me good for them but I would perfer to work on my own.